The students have rightly had enough of being given no hope and no future by the Torydem Government. These students are our future, they are brave and learning some street fighting skills, something that is necessary and that we the older generation were unable to teach them. May they be blessed, guided and protected always.
2011 will be the year that I take up Jujitsu
ReplyDelete"Some will inevitably try to paint imaginative, militant action as 'violent'. So let me say this about the 'violence' yesterday. I'm not frightened by the media's hysteria, or browbeaten by the servile centre-left that wants to keep opposition as timid as possible. When people ask why occupy a building, how that helps the cause, the answer is very simple: we want to disrupt the processes of power, and we want them be frightened to do what they're about to do to us. We want them to be afraid of us. They're about to dismantle our social safety net, shred higher education for millions of working class people, cut teaching in schools, raise the cost of living for everyone except the rich, throw hundreds of thousands of people on the dole, creating many more redundancies as a byproduct, and cheating a whole generation of the education and employment that they need for a decent life. That's war, and you can't do that to people and expect them to be polite about it. More occupations, protests, and strikes, would only be the moderate and sensible response to this government's social vandalism."
ReplyDeleteQuote from Lenin from the Tomb.
Kudos to you Sophs. My world fell apart with the death of my militant mother. That was followed 3 years later by the death of my militant brother. Blinkered people ask me why I take the fight of the underdog when I have the opportunity of being a successful upperpig. My simple answer is; I walk in the footsteps of my late mother and brother. I have no doubt that my mother was the queen from the south. She stood up for all sundry and died of a stroke after the evil Mugabe destroyed her people.
ReplyDeleteThere is no reason why my brother who had taken over from the so called white farmer as the Agricultural officer of 3/4 of Zimbabwe turned his back against the luxuries that came with his position and stood up against the tyranny of the British sponsored thug Mugabe. Similarly,there is no reason why I have taken the stand that I have, i.e. turn against the opportunities offered by those who bow down to the establishment. This is because the world that some of us belong to does not need reason. It is what it is. Justice has no reason. Justice is what some of us stand for.