Personally I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the gallery, particularly when I see and get to chat with new and old friends, some I haven't seen for a long while, in one case I had a good long chat with an old friend who I hadn't seen for ten years, and I learned so much about him as we talked at the gallery.
Yesterday, my enthusiasm with the music went through the roof as we had a sitarist and tabla playing, it was moving to say the least and I am so glad they are coming back to play another session on Tuesday.
Most of all I am enjoying the interest people are showing in the art work, this is something that gives me the greatest joy of all because it is what I wanted when I was making and producing the work; to share emotions and feelings. That people feel something when looking at my or any of the others work is really what its all about. It is a bonus if anyone feels they wish to purchase any of the pictures, ceramics or glass work, but I would say that they ought buy now as the prices are low, they would have an investment because the work will be worth a fortune when we're dead! So roll up, roll up! (I am joking btw).

The things we make are not only objects and pictures by which we express ourselves, we also learn about the subject through the painting, ceramic or piece of glass work. So if you paint or draw flowers or fruit, you learn through that painting more about their nature. In the finished product you pass what you learned and how they made you feel.
Much of my work is of a philosophical nature it is and has been a way that I can learn more and express my feelings. It is well known and neither do I make a secret of the fact that I have on a number of occasions done visual and three D representations of the devil, but I have also done many flowers, trees, birds and biblical icons such as Moses, Adam and Eve, Jesus, John the Baptist and a few Mary's. I twice attempted a clay representation of Calvary, and there is a story and a half about one of those attempts, which I never will forget. It made me wonder whether in order to hand depict Calvary, the artist really has to be pure and clean in heart and maybe at that time I wasn't, but well who knows, maybe one day I will be!

they are rubbish!
ReplyDeleteThanks Anonymous perhaps you could show us something you can do then?