It was a very cold and rainy day today, so we didn't expect many people to turn up to look at the exhibition. I really hoped that someone would come in, and then, low and behold, a couple ... typical of this area, one from Strood, one from the Delce and just the sort of people you'd expect from these areas; rough, unkempt, unhealthy looking, the 'all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth' types, the typical people from round this way and by God I love 'em.
They were wonderfully appreciative of all of the exhibits on display, asking questions about them, laughing, pondering the meaning of some of the work. The woman was one after my own heart as her favorite work at the exhibition was Chris Barchard's 'War', which is also my favorite, we discussed the title of the work and looked on it admirably, both of us commenting on how deep the picture is. Oh! how I love these rough types, they must have spent about forty minutes in the Gallery, going back and forth, they genuinely enjoyed it.
That's all I ever wanted, to reach the masses like this, to make art accessible, enjoyable and for everyone! The icing on the cake were the comments they made in the book, the woman said how interesting everything was and the rough and ready young man said that he really enjoyed it and it was something to give people HOPE ( he wrote that in capitals ). They said they would return for the classical Indian music tomorrow, the sitar and tabla rendition and I really hope they do return.
There have been a few wealthy looking types, people who came in at the start, they might have been interested in the work, but they were as stiff as boards and, as is common among these people, they looked like they are looking for a money spinner, who knows some might come back for purchasing, and I secretly would love to be supported in my art work by a rich benefactor, but yes, well, dream on ...
On the whole though the exhibition is starting to take off, we have a group of teenage schoolers coming in tomorrow first thing, again something that I am so glad is happening, to reach the youth with our work is a dream come true, although of course they might hate the stuff ... but I doubt it, anyway I am really looking forward to watching their reactions ( if any ) to our work. We also will be having a group of local Asian women visiting the exhibition, so its all been good so far.