With feet firmly on the ground - reach for the stars!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

John McDonnell: I am not Old Labour or New Labour - just Labour - mirror.co.uk

John McDonnell: I am not Old Labour or New Labour - just Labour - mirror.co.uk

The Con - Dem coalition government as they are so affectionately known have started their rolling programme of cuts. They are coming after the social wage (pensions, benefits, hospitals, school, libraries, swimming pools, jobs all manor of things) saying that 'we' have to manage 'our' budget deficit and there is no alternative to cuts.

The snippet from today's Mirror on line shows there is an alternative in the form of this man John. A breath of fresh air, some sanity, some simple solutions. It is what we need. I just hope he does get the necessary amount of nominees so that at least there can be a decent and healthy debate about the way forward, the way through and out of the disgusting race to bottom that the present coalition government is attempting to put us under.


  1. You would have loved what he said at the Right to Work conference. The man is an embodiment of truth and democracy in this insane world. No pretence, no ego and no pussy footing around. But you know what, it took me and you 7 years to prove that we are sane and it is the others who are full of hot air and shit. But we did it even though it meant blood, gut and sweat for me. John McDonnell got an 11,000 increase in votes at the General election. That is why I have unconditional support for him. He is a true Labour leader - we just have to keep fighting for leaders like him. One day hey!

  2. yeah I think he is great and worth giving all our support to, if you know of any Labour MPs locally or elsewhere it might be an idea to write to them or send them an e -mail urging them to support John 4 leader. Fingers crossed and all that. My Mum supports Diane Abbott for leader because she says she would be really good at telling these toffy nosed Eton boys where to get off, I think she kinda has a point too!

  3. Yeah your mum might be kinda right but I think John stands out in the Left leadership of the Labour Party for those who really want to see an elected government fight for real changes. I know his track record, marched with him in numerous demos including fighting against the 3rd runway at Heathrow. He is humble as well - a true leader who knows why people vote for him. I don't know much about Daine Abbott and personally I would not give her my unconditional support as I do John.

  4. I'll vote for John if he gets on the ballot paper.

    And for Abbot if she's all the left can muster, but i dont think she has the track record that McDonnell has.
