There is good news; at last, it is something I have wanted to do for a long time, I have finally attracted some funding to put on an art exhibition by six or possibly seven artists who have suffered some form of severe mental illness and who use art as a way of expressing the emotional pain, and can now show off their work to everyone, in Chatham.
The exhibition will most likely be called 'The Art of Recovery' unless I can think of a better title. It will have as a common thread; the classics, i.e work that is influenced by classical masters or has a classic 'feel' to it. The majority of the work I do and have done has been while listening to some lovely classical music, if you get into the music, this can help to bring out the emotions. No - one would necessarily know of my underlying influences or the accompanying music I listen to by looking at my work.
There will also be live performances by a classical guitarist; Nina Rideout. She has performed at the National Gallery in London to an art exhibition, so it is great honour for us to have her perform at our exhibition in Chatham.
There will be a painting at the Exhibition by a famous artist called Maureen Oliver, her work is really very good. The piece she is willing to lend us for the exhibition is a painting she has done in oil of Vincent Van Gogh painting his starry night from what looks like a mental hospital (in his life he did many of his works from such places), and in an open window looking in on him there are many people huddled together in groups and looking on in a judgemental and disapproving manner, but Vincent carries on with his work despite this and despite the bandage around his head and over his ear. It is a most inspiring painting, and will hopefully be the piece that sets the tone for the rest of the works.
As well as Maureen Oliver, there will be other artists, John Excell, Chris Barchard, Ian Melville and hopefully something from Adam Halpern.
Adam is my partner in crime in the pottery group. We both love pottery, positively potty about it. When we work with clay, forms start to take hold themselves, the shapes make suggestions to us and we work with the clay rather than trying to force it into something that we want, or what we want it to end up being. Both myself and Adam have the same approach to clay modeling, the pieces we make have a life of their own to us. We also have a good laugh in each others company in the group, and by gum I am really going to miss it when the group stops which is likely to be in the next couple of weeks.
The venue of the exhibition will be the Nucleus Ats Centre, just off the High Street Chatham (past in shops and on the same side) It will start with an opening night and private view ( refreshments included ) on Thursday 29th October and run for three weeks until the 18th November.
I will put some of my work up on here, my blog, but there is just so much to do, most of the photographs of my work will need to be re-done as they are poor quality pictures. Then the paintings will probably have to be re - framed so that they can be in uniform and orderly frames which will look much better on exhibition, rather than the hodge podge style frames they are in now. Oh me oh my so much work to do.
Bacchaus(inspired by a Reubens painting)
You have touched my subject now, I love it when people push beyond their boundaries to fulfil their dream. I love art even though I am useless at being one. Van Gogh is one of my favourite stories - he tried to express his demons in art but the world was hostile to him because they did not understand the turmoil he was going through. He was not insane, it was those around him who were insane hence his work is now sort after - he was potraying life as he saw it. There was no prozac during his days, it was the pain inside him that made him cut his ear off and ended his life at 37.