With feet firmly on the ground - reach for the stars!

Thursday, 23 September 2010

What Katie Did (on the edge of seventeen)

Some friends of mine decided after twenty seven years of living together and having three children that in the event of either one of their deaths ( they are in their fifties) that they would rather not money from their estate go to David Cameron and his party but instead to their children, so they did the honorable thing and got married.

I wouldn't say I love hearing wedding day horror stories; some of them are just so tragic it pains me terribly and it lingers far to long to refresh the tales on this blog.

But the story of Jan and her partner Reece's wedding is hilarious.

Everyone seated at the registry office, the mumbo jumbo from the registrar and the usual ritual of 'if they are any objections to this marriage say now etc etc' A statement that is so ritualistic as well as the ordinarily silent response. However on this occasion, a desenting voice.

Oh my, just who could be objecting to the marriage of this long standing couple?

None other than their sixteen going on seventeen year old daughter in this posh registry office. When asked to expand on her objection she launched into her views, that she didn't think it was a good idea, she was not sure it was the right decision and that she had been happy to have grown up where they had not been married. Katie was serious.

The registrar dismissed it without raising an eyebrow and said there was no legal case to be heard against the marriage and simply continued with the proceedings.

Jan could hardly contain her amusement at her gobby child. She had tears rolling down her face as she tried to stop herself from letting out an almighty laugh. She was told by the registrar to look at her future husband and she couldn't to save herself from laughing.

Altogether sounds just about right to me, forced to marry for financial reasons with rebellious children in tow. That seems like one wedding I would have loved to have seen.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha - this surely cheered me up Sophie and I just can about guess that you wish you were the daughter - so rebellious you are. I still hold mine - I am not anti marriage but I prefer to have my wedding blessed by a Budhist monk in some remote part of the world or some High priest from those indeginous people who can barely write or read - the spiritual ones, whereby two souls are united in one rather than uniting two confused minds.
