Ain't old people just wonderful! They have experience, understanding and many also have a brilliant sense of humour. Of course it is not necessarily across the board, as with any characterisation of an age, it is a generality and there will always be exceptions.
Today I heard a lovely story about a very poor, fail and dishevelled looking old lady trying desperately to get someones attention in the crossroads on the local High Street here. She was clutching a very fat purse and was asking passers by who it belonged to. So happens my Mum walks passed and goes to her assistance, together they try to work out what to do. The old lady wants to give it to a policeman but of course they are never around, so they ummed and ahhed together and then, Mum comes up with the bright idea of going through the many cards in the wallet to find a bank card and going along to the same bank as the card in the wallet. They then proceeded to walk to the bank for them to return it to the rightful owner. Simple. Wonderful. Well done Mum.
They were stopped on the way by a very frantic woman who looked at Mum and the old lady who was holding out the purse and exclaimed "you have got my purse! oh thank you thank you", great, this lady explained how relieved she was because everything important was in that purse as well as all of her spending money for a trip to France she was making tomorrow. Wow! how good of Mum and this poor old lady to have saved and stopped the severe stress that would have resulted for this woman.
I love the consideration, the concern and the ability of these two to do the right thing, alleluia!
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